If Jesus Came To My House
“Behold I stand at the door and knock; if
any man hears my voice and will open the door, I will come in to him, and eat with him, and
he with Me.” Revelation 3:20
Some years ago, a friend shared an
interesting story how his neighbor was visited by the President of the United States. The
preparation for the event required streets to be cordoned off, Secret Service
agents to inspect each neighbor’s area, and the visited home became
immaculately readied for the most important person anyone would receive in
their lifetime. A famous poem was once
written describing still the Visitor above all visitors. Imagine if Jesus
Himself were to come in tangible form to enter your home. Would it make a difference how you responded,
cleaned up, or even changed your regular routine? It was
entitled, If Jesus Came To My House written
by an anonymous writer:
If Jesus came to your house to
spend a day or two
If He came
unexpectedly, I wonder what you’d do.
Oh, I know you’d
give your nicest room to such an honored guest
And all the food
you’d serve to Him would be the very best.
And you would keep assuring
Him you’re glad to have Him there…
You’d show your
deepest, kindness ways and show Him that you care
…But when you saw
Him coming would you meet Him at the door
With arms
outstretched in welcome to our heavenly visitor?
Or would you maybe change your
clothes before you let him in.
Or hide some magazines
and put the Bible where they’d been?
Would you turn off
the radio and hope He hadn’t heard.
And wish you hadn’t
uttered that last, loud and hasty word?
Would you hide your worldly
music and put some hymn books out?
Could you let Jesus
walk right in or would you rush about?
And I wonder…if the
Savior spent a day or two with you.
Would you go right
on doing the things you always do?
Would you go right on saying
the things you always say?
Would life for you
continue as it does from day to day?
Would your family
conversation keep up its usual place?
And would you find
it hard each meal to say a table grace?
Would you sing the songs you
always sing and read the books you read?
And let Him know
the things on which your mind and spirit feed?
Would you take
Jesus with you everywhere you’d planned to go
Or would you maybe
change your plans for just one day or so?
Would you be glad to have Him
meet your very closest friends
Or would you hope
they’d stay away until His visit ends?
Would you be glad
to have Him stay for ever on and on.
Or would you sigh with
great relief when He at last was gone?
It might be
interesting to know the things that you would do
If Jesus came in
person to spend some time with you.
As we raise the paradigm shift of our
spiritual lives today, let’s live as if Christ were coming over. Making our hearts clean, our lives ready, and our excitement real, as He
has not only come, but lives in our Hearts’ Homes now. Revelation 3:20
says, “Behold I stand at the door and
knock; if any man hears my voice and will open the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with
Me.” While often used as a salvation verse, may the Lord use it to sanctify
our lives for His purposes and plans. We
welcome you, Lord Jesus, today!
Terry Risser
would Christ’s visit impact you today?
can we do differently as He will one day return looking for those who are
anxious for His appearing?
Consider reading the Word today:
Copyright 2014- Terry Risser
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