Father’s Prayer
“If a son shall ask bread of any of you that
is a father, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?” Luke 11:11
Have you ever noticed
that creation tends to give a whole lot of pictures of our relationship with
God? Consider the numerous examples
in Psalms of the Lord as our rock, fortress, and refuge (Psalm 16:2). Or the
book of John speaks of Him as the vine and we are the branches (John
15:1-8). Paul likens us to the body and
Christ as the head (1 Corinthians 12:12-31).
What clear and vivid images they give for us to understand spiritual
In fact, we could
almost think, “What an incredible coincidence that all of these pictures so
appropriately match the Christian life.”
The truth is though, lest you were wondering, God intentionally
developed rocks, vines, branches, bodies, and more; not only that we would have
beautiful and functioning surroundings of which to marvel, but that they might
display something of His love and relationship toward us.
I suppose there are
few portrayals of our relationship with the Lord that are as fitting as a
Father and a child. Jesus constantly
sought the Father’s heart through prayer, praise, and constant communion. The love He received from His Father, He gave
to others.
I ran across this
Father’s Prayer recently by M.W. Braham:
Father, as this boy looks up to me.
For guidance and my help implores.
I bring him now in prayer to Thee.
He trusts my strength as I trust Yours.
Hold Thou my hand as I hold his.
And so guide me that I may guide.
Teach me, Lord, that I may teach,
And keep me free from foolish pride.
Help me to help this boy of mine.
To be to him a father true.
Hold me, Lord, for everything
As fast I hold my boy for you.
As you can see, if
you want to be a greater father, keep your eyes on your Heavenly Father. His love will translate to you and through
you. Imagine His character becoming your
character…His strength becoming your strength…His grace becoming your grace. Your child will never be the same and neither
will you. Now that’s a pictures I can’t
get out of my mind.
Terry Risser
1) How does or did your
perspective of your father help or hinder your perspective of your Heavenly Father?
2) Name a way you can pray for
your child.
Consider reading the Word today:
Copyright 2014- Terry Risser
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