In The Blood
"The blood of Jesus Christ His Son
cleanses us from all sin." (1 John 1:7)
The greatest evangelist of the Twentieth
Century, without question, was Billy Graham. The greatest evangelist before
him of the Nineteenth Century, undoubtedly was Dwight L. Moody. Both shared
a common characteristic. They were criticized because of a particular subject
they preached about.
When Billy Graham was getting started, a
professor from Cornell University wrote him a letter and said, "Mr. Graham, you have great talent,
and you have what it takes to be a successful minister. But if you want to
continue to be successful, you are going to have to leave out the preaching on
the blood. It is out of date and no enlightened man of the Twentieth Century
will swallow it."
When Dwight L. Moody started preaching, a
woman wrote him a letter and said, "Brother Moody, if you want to be
effective, you are going to have to leave out that blood stuff." Dwight L. Moody said, like Dr. Graham after
him, "I determined at that moment to preach more on the blood of Jesus
Christ than ever before."
We are not only a people of the book…we are
a people of the blood. The
Bible is not only a blest book, it is a blood book. The word "blood"
is found 415 times in the Bible. The Bible begins with blood in Genesis when
Cain sheds the blood of his brother, Abel. It ends with blood in the book of
the Revelation when the Lord Jesus returns wearing a robe "dipped in
blood." (Rev. 19:13)
There is a scarlet thread that binds every
page of this book. One
author said, “You cut this book and it bleeds.” The reason for that is, all of
the Bible can be summarized in a part of one sentence we are going to study
today: "The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin."
(1 John 1:7) The only spiritual detergent that can remove the stain of sin from
the human soul, is the blood of Jesus Christ. Whether you are a Christian or
not, I want you to understand why this is true.
1. The Blood Comes From a Supernatural
This is not ordinary blood. There is no other blood like it. The blood
that flowed in the veins of Jesus Christ was the pure, perfect, sinless blood
of God the Son. One of the most incredible verses in the Bible is Acts 20:28.
Here is what it says: "Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the
flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the
church of God which He purchased with His own blood." A blood that was
shed on the cross was the blood of God. Now this is crucial to understand
because if it was God's blood, then it must be innocent blood.
Peter said in his epistle, "You were
not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ."
(1 Pet. 1:18-19) The word
precious literally means "valuable." Now if Jesus had not been
innocent He could not have taken my guilt, because He would have had to have
dealt with His own. The reason He could die for my sin is because He did not
have to die for His sin.
2. The Blood Cleanses With Supernatural
Now it is extremely important to see that
the verse does not say that the blood of Jesus Christ "has cleansed
us," or "will cleanse us." It says specifically it "cleanses us." What it literally says
is, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us and keeps on cleansing us. It
cleanses us now, it cleanses us today, it cleanses us tomorrow. Every day that
you need to be cleansed, the blood is available to do the job. But now let me
give you the good news. You get saved today and tomorrow you lose your temper,
just remember "the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us." If you get
saved today and you let a bad word slip out tomorrow, just remember "the
blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us." If you get saved today and you think
an impure thought tomorrow, just remember "the blood of Jesus Christ
cleanses us."
3. The Blood Completes a Supernatural
With God a person who is only partially
clean is totally dirty.
Would you let your dog into your house if only two of his paws were muddy?
Absolutely not, and God will not let anyone into His heaven unless they have
been cleansed from all of their sins.
The blood of
Jesus is not something you add to your religion, or add to your ritual, or add
to your righteousness, to cleanse you. His blood alone cleanses from all sin.
The highest holiday of the Jewish faith is
Passover. It celebrates
both the Exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt, but also that night when
God's death angel passed through Egypt and slaughtered every firstborn of every
household that did not have the blood of a lamb painted over the doorpost. God
made a promise to His people. He said, "You paint the blood of a lamb over
your doorpost and when I see the blood, I will pass over you." It was a picture of what Christ would offer in
the New Testament.
If there was any other way to be saved, any
other way to be cleansed, any other way to be forgiven, any other way to be
accepted, then Jesus would not have died nor shed one drop of His blood. But that He did die, and that He did shed
His blood, tells us that only His blood can cleanse us from all sin. There
really is power in the blood.
Terry Risser
1. Why is the concept of blood hard for some
of us to grasp?
Consider reading the Word:
Copyright 2014- Terry Risser
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