Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 12 - My Heart’s Library

My Heart’s Library

““Don’t be molded by this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2

In Robert Munger’s book, My Heart, Christ’s Home, he shares how when Christ comes into our lives, He not only wants access, but full reign to every part of our being.  In many cases, we desire to maintain our own authority, but true life comes when we are fully surrendered to Him.  We have talked about Christ’s entry into our Dining Room (appetites) and our Living Room (relationship, but He also wants to renew our Heart’s Library which is our thought life.

The power of the mind can never be underestimated.  We are in a “Battle” and your mind is the “Battlefield” and “Central War Room” where God desires to lead you in the life that determines the outcome.  If we allow God to control our thought life, it will effect everything of who we are and what we do.  It determines everything of our lives.  It determines our spiritual lives, relational lives, emotional lives, and yes, even determines our physical lives.  The more God takes over your mind, the more we become what He has created us to be and the more fulfilled our lives will be. At the same time, the enemy understands the same things.  John 10:10 says, “The enemy has come to kill, steal and destroy.”
He is going to sabotage and flood your thought life with as many destructive ideas as he can so that it malfunctions from how it was made to work.

Psychologist Arch Hart once wrote it like this: "Research has shown that one’s thought life influences every aspect of one’s being. Kind people are simply the type of people who habitually tend to think kind thoughts. Angry people are simply the kind of people who habitually tend to think thoughts that breed resentment and hostility." Over the last 4 or 5 decades or so, so many studies have demonstrated this truth that the most dominant movement in American psychology has come to be known as Cognitive Psychology. It is built around the truth that the way that you think is the single most important shaper of who you are as a person. Everything about you that matters flows out of what happens in your mind — the way that you think. This cutting edge psychology seems so advanced until you realize Paul told us this 2,000 years ago.   And I believe this is one of those cases where our Social Sciences are just coming to realize what was very clear to the writers of Scripture thousands of years ago. Romans 12:2 says, “Don’t be molded by this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Most of us recognize that certain equipment runs better with a filter.  If you’ve experienced air conditioning, you know that there is an air filter that purifies the dirty debris and releases pure air.  The same is true on your car.  Filters serve as mechanisms to keep out the things we don’t want in it, and keeps in the things we don’t want left out.   We need them to make sure the functioning works better.  The same is true with our minds as we need the Holy Spirit to filter our thoughts.

Before we came to know Christ, we had no filter.  Once we come to know Christ, He gives us the ability to filter the world around us.  Then live the life He’s called us to live. We are given His mind and He begins to transform us.  Now, one of the great illusions or delusions about spiritual growth is that I can form a Christ-like character, but let my mind feed on whatever junk comes along. No you can’t. You can’t pour water on your computer.  You can’t throw sand on your car engine.   Likewise, you can’t put just anything into your mind.  As many have said, “Garbage in, garbage out.”   It damages our spiritual lives when we retain thousands of negative images or things that take you away from God.  That is why it is important that we heed this area.  The human mind is shaped by what it’s consistently exposed to. And you and I are no exception to this rule. I want to illustrate this.

If you fill your mind with 35-40 minutes of preaching and 20 hours of Ipod, movies and television, which way will you go?  If you spend time around Christians 2 hours a week, and unbelievers 12 hours a week, you will be shaped.  If you read the Bible 10 minutes and Oprah magazine 60 minutes, Oprah will effect your thoughts, which I call the “Oprafication of our Nation.”  I love Oprah, but love Christ far more.

All day long, you and I—this is us—are bombarded by messages. We’re bombarded by messages from the media—television shows, movies, magazines, books, radios, and songs. And all of these things have messages that shape us, whether or not we think about it. We’re bombarded by messages from other people—people that you work with—your boss, your neighbor, somebody you go to school with, people in your family, your spouse. They’re sending you messages all the time.

Paul says in Philippians 2:5, “Let this mind be in you which also is in Christ Jesus…” When we give over our thoughts to God, Christ’s mind starts taking over our old mind.  He starts replacing the old with the new. He does that in our hearts.   Let Him have control today.  As you give place to the Holy Spirit, the Library of our Hearts will be transformed with His life.   As Paul says, “Old things will pass away…the new will come.”

Terry Risser

1)   Which is most consuming to you?  Television?  Internet?  Movies?
2)   Why is the mind so important to winning spiritual battles?

Consider reading the Word today:

Copyright 2014- Terry Risser

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