Goes To Court
In 1931, my grandparents, Otto and
Martha Risser, started a Foursquare Church in Dayton, Tennessee. Only 6 years
earlier, this previously unknown town of 3,000 had drawn the attention of the
world as John Scopes, then a 24-year old High School Football Coach and General
Science teacher, attended a meeting in Robinson’s drugstore.
Scopes had agreed to become the
defendant in a trial testing Tennessee’s law against teaching “any theory that
denies the story of the divine creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to
teach instead that man had descended from a lower order of animals.” It would
forever be known as the 1925 “Scopes/Monkey Trial”. Having visited both the courthouse and the
drugstore in Dayton where my dad was raised, it’s hard to imagine that almost
90 years ago, this “Media meets Mayberry” drama would change the way our
culture thinks, like nothing else in our nation’s previous history.
Today, it seems strange to think,
that at one time all that was taught in schools was that man was created by
God. After all, up to 1900, 104 of 110
national universities were founded on Christian beliefs, so our nation
considered little else. That is, until
William Jennings Bryan representing “Team Creation” and the Bible, faced
Clarence Darrow speaking for “Team Evolution” on Darwin’s “Origin of Species.”
In the end, the “Scopes/Monkey
Trial” was a draw inside the court but not outside. The town would eventually settle into a
fireside chat, but the rest of the world would change forever. It was the shifting of the tide that would
turn our nation to eventually teach only evolution and shortly remove
creation from the classroom.
The problem that we find today is
that somewhere we decided to accept the false notion that evolution is science
and creation is not. Our culture
reasons, since religion can’t be placed in a test-tube, it has no place in our
school curriculum. The truth is, neither
can evolution. These two can only battle
in the way that they did almost 90 years ago, and that is in the courtroom of
rationality, history, and evidence along with objectivity.
C.S. Lewis reasoned that “When it
comes right down to it, we have to decide as to whether everything around us
came from a creative mind or not.” If it
did not, you are an evolutionist. If it
did, you are a creationist. Furthermore,
all scientific laws affirm creation’s premise that all things come from
something (Someone?) greater than itself.
Even the most reluctant mind would not debate that a simple paper clip
or complex computer would just simply
“evolutionize” if given enough time (millions of years), let alone a
human being. Darwin himself wrote later
in life, “When I see the human eye it’s impossible for me not to believe that
there is a Creator.”
In Psalm 14:1, David wrote, “The fool has said in his heart there is no
God.” Somehow, David never beat
around the bush. Not only did the
Creator reveal His glory through creation, but in the fullness of time revealed
Himself through the person of Jesus
Christ that all would know His purpose and plan through a loving relationship with
Him (John 1:14). When it comes down to it, you can take it to court…and to the
Consider reading the Word today:
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