Traveling On My Knees
“The prayer of a
righteous person is powerful and effective.”
James 5:16
Whether we realize it
or not, we can make a difference in the world around us. Sometimes we can give to projects that meet a
need, go to places where hearts need to know Christ, or pray, giving us the
ability to touch the world right where we are.
James 5:16 says, “The effective, fervent prayer of righteous people
avails much.” Someone said, “Prayer
avails when people are available.” Years
ago, I read a simple poem that shares how God can use each of us.
Last night I took a journey
To a land across the
I did not go by boat
or plane,
I traveled on my
I saw so many people there,
In deepest depths of
But Jesus told me I
should go,
That there were souls
to win.
But I said, “Jesus, I cannot go
And work with such as
He answered quickly,
“Yes, you can
By traveling on your
He said, “You pray; I’ll meet the need.
You call and I will
Be concerned about
lost souls,
Of those both far and
And so I tried it, knelt in prayer
Gave up some hours of
I felt the Lord right
by my side
While traveling on my
As I prayed on and saw souls saved,
And twisted bodies
And saw God’s
workers’ strength renewed
While laboring in the
I said, “Yes, Lord, I have a job.
My desire Thy will to
I can go and heed Thy
By traveling on my
today for one country or one person that you know in our nation that does not
know Christ. God hears us and begins to
stir hearts to lead them to Himself. May
we partner by traveling on our knees.
Do you believe your prayers can change the world?
Think of one unsaved friend or loved one who needs your
prayers today?
Consider reading the Word today:
Consider reading the Word today:
Copyright 2014- Terry Risser
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