A Few Good Men
The Marine Corp
solicits candidates of the highest level.
Not ones who are attempting to find a leisurely pace or a shortcut
stride but only those of the greatest character and hearts. It’s not different with God. To Ezekiel, the Lord said, “I’m looking for a
man to stand in the gap.” God has always
used men who would resist the natural tendency to preserve, protect, and
provide merely for themselves. He’s looking for men who will live by faith, so
we might ask ourselves how we would characterize the life of a godly man. Years
ago, Ron Mehl, author of God Works The
Nightshift, gave several criteria that makes a strong man of God.
1. He realizes the absolute necessity of living
with an awareness of God’s
presence moment to moment.
2. He’s comfortable resting his future in God’s
hand, because he knows God will
always do what He says He will do.
3. He responds to God’s voice when he hears the
Lord call.
4. He recognizes that true faith is
visible. God sees it, but the peole we
love do
as well.
5. He lives with an awesome reverence for
God. It’s the kind of reverence and
fear that strikes you whenever you’re in
the presence of someone superior
- Matthew 14:26- The disciples were afraid when Jesus came walking on the water (that was something superior)
- Luke 7:11-16- They were afraid when Jesus raised the widow’s son from the dead (that was certainly superior)
- Luke 2:9- They were afraid when the angels appeared at Jesus’ birth (that’s superior)
- Acts 9:31- They were afraid when God called His church out of darkness and they began walking in His light. The fear of God is always at the heart of godly men.
6. He reviews his daily schedule and seeks to
do only the will of God
7. He saturates his mind with the Word of God
that he might be renewed day by
8. He submits to the Holy Spirit
promptings. Every day God, in various
tries to get our attention so that we
might avoid trouble and heartache.
9. He surrounds Himself with friends who will
stand with him during times of
David did with his mighty men, and Jesus did in the Garden of
10. He understands that meekness isn’t
weakness. It’s the pathway to grace
and glory.
11. He knows that when he makes a righteous vow,
he’s committed to keep it,
no matter what the cost.
12. He has a servant heart. He willingly makes sacrifices for those he
loves, to
see the purposes of God fulfilled in
13. He is contented with what he has but still
contends for all God has for Him.
Whether you are a man
desiring to follow God (or you are praying for a man in your life), God has
never abandoned His search and is looking for men that want to be like Him.
Consider reading the Word today:
Copyright 2014 Terry Risser
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