Being His Light In A Dark World
“So when they had further
threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them,
because of the people: for all men
glorified God for that which was done.” Acts 4:21
The truth of God’s
heart to us should astound even the most hardened among us His message resonates in all people, all
cultures, all lives, and all problems no matter whether it is first century
Jerusalem or 21st century Japan.
The reason is that all people in history are tattered with sin and
problems have settled in every corner of the world. There has never been a time where people
didn’t need God or a time where God hasn’t offered His love.
As a third-century
man was anticipating death, he wrote these last words to a friend: "It’s a bad
world, an incredibly bad world. But I have discovered in the midst of it a
quiet and holy people who have learned a great secret. They have found a joy
which is a thousand times better than any pleasure of our sinful life. They are
despised and persecuted, but they care not. They are masters of their souls.
They have overcome the world. These people are the Christians--and I am one of
Somewhere, people
have gotten the impression that Christians are not to have fun. We are not
to indulge in any pleasure. Many Christians do not live lives that display joy.
So, people pursue everything but a relationship with God. They erroneously
think of God as kill-joy. God is the source of joy. God is filled with joy!
In the early days of
the church, a Christian offended the king and was threatened with banishment
because of his preaching. He replied, “Sire, you cannot banish me, for the
world is my Father’s house.” The king then said he would confiscate all his
possessions. The Christian answered, “Sire, you cannot confiscate my
possessions because my treasures are laid up in heaven.” The king was starting
to get furious and told him that he would make him live in isolation away from
all his friends. The believer stated “Sire, you cannot remove me from my
greatest friend, because He lives within me.” Finally the king shouted out,
“Then I’ll have you killed!” To which the Christian calmly replied, “You can take my breath, but you can never
take my life for it is hid with God in Christ.”
In the book of Acts,
the early church was threatened with challenges that extend beyond most of our
experiences but not necessarily those of people who are being persecuted around
the world for the sake of Christ.
Hundred of thousands have given their lives by standing for the
Lord. Almost as quickly as the
resurrection and ascension occurs, there is bitter retaliation against Peter
and John to the message of Christ being preached. An attempt to thwart their movement is
initiated but they cannot be stopped. Acts 4:21 says, ““So when they had further threatened them, they let them go,
finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people: for
all men glorified God for
that which was done.” Rather than begrudging their
plight, they found it as an opportunity to advance the gospel or Hebrews notes
they considered themselves “blessed to suffer for the sake of Christ.”
Shortly, a movie called Persecuted will come to theatres near
you. It details what has occurred around the world
and even in our Homeland. In essence,
Christians that stand bring glory to God and those that fold water down the
message. We are His greatest
advertisement in how we live.
You don’t have to
turn to the evening news to see that we live in a bad world. It’s always been the case. But light-filled Christians always beam
brightest in the darkest circumstances.
In that place, Christ offers joy and it is where He is most
exalted. It is the way He intended it to
Terry Risser
1) Mention
a situation where you see darkness in our world.
2) How
can God use you to spread His light?
Consider reading the Word today:
Copyright 2014- Terry Risser
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