Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17 - The Right Focus

The Right Focus

Let’s strip off every weight that slows us down and let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on  whom our faith depends from start to finish.”  Hebrews 12:1,2

Warren Buffet, the multi-billionaire philanthropist was once being interviewed.  The reporter asked him, “Now that you are one of the richest men in the world, what is your next goal?”  He said, “Now I want to be one of the oldest men in the world.”  With many of his life’s goals reached, he was now focusing on the length of his tenure on earth. 

Though I’ve never run a marathon, anybody who has run one or any long distance run knows the importance of mental focus.  On a long run if you let your mind start to wander and you don’t keep it focused, all kinds of bad things are going to happen.  You’re going to start thinking about how tired you are.  You’re going to start thinking about how much your muscles ache.  You’re going to start thinking about how much farther you still have to go.  You’re going to start thinking about where are the other  runners in this race and you start comparing yourself.  All of those are fatal flaws that will sidetrack you or trip you up and cause you to fall out of the race or get behind.  You need to stay focused.  Focused on eternity.

Life’s Timeline Overview has been described in 5 “E” stages:

1.   Entrance: Everyone of us is born into this world
      The prophet writes the words of God, “Before you were born, I knew you.”
     (Jeremiah 1:5) God puts us on this planet for a reason and He wants to direct          us to a close relationship with Him as Jeremiah described his birth as directed by God .

2.  Expectation: You begin to dream about what your life might be
       During high school and young adult years, we develop dreams and hopes
       for what life will become.  These areas include jobs, marriage, children, and
       desires both fulfilled and unfulfilled.

3.   Execution: 40 plus years window where we begin to pursue our
      Generally, through this window of life, marriage choices are made, career
      choices are pursued, and the average person will have 13 different careers in
      three fields. 

4.    Evaluation- This is a later in life where we find that more of life is
      behind us than in front  of us and we start to wonder if we made the
       right choices.
5.   Eternity- The fifth and final stage is the path of eternity.
       It’s accorded unto man to die once and then the judgment when we will one
       day stand before the Lord and answer two questions…first, what did you do
       with Christ? And two, what did you do with your talents, treasures and time?

While this life has much to offer, it is nothing in comparison to the life to come. We must learn to live in the light of eternity in order to receive the reward one day when we finish well and hear God say, “Well done.” What are we to focus on instead of our success and all these other things? 

The author of Hebrews “Let’s strip off every weight that slows us down and let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on  whom our faith depends from start to finish.”  (Hebrews 12:1,2)

In order to have a life that is focused on eternity, you must never lose track of the finish line.  First, you must continue to focus on Jesus Christ and how He lived as He focused His full heart on pleasing the Father.  What He as begun in you, He is able to complete. (Philippians 1:6)  Second, you focus on the inevitable rewards that are going to come when you cross the finish line and go into heaven and God is there.  Whether that day is sooner or later, you will find pursuing Him is truly life-changing.

Terry Risser

1)   When are you most prone to take your eyes off the finish line?
2)   Thank God today for the strength He wants to give you to finish the course.

Consider reading the Word today:,%201%20cor%202&version=NIV

Copyright 2014- Terry Risser

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