Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21 - The Uttermost Parts Of The Earth

The Uttermost Parts Of The Earth

A commitment to missions is always preceded by a clear understanding of God’s heart to reach lost people of all races, creeds, and languages.  Without the belief that our Lord values each soul, that He died for each one, and without the belief that He passionately pursues the salvaging of each one (Luke 15:1-7), our desire to participate in His pursuit will be fleeting at the best and non-existent at the worst.

We often disqualify ourselves from His plan simply because we capitulate to the false assumption that our contribution of time, talent and gifts mean little.  Furthermore, missions and ministry, in our minds, are reserved for people and places beyond our reach.

In the early 1050’s, Tommy Hicks was an unknown and inept in his own estimation, lacking any charismatic flair as a speaker.  Yet he heard God’s voice say, “Go to Argentina.” Unable to identify Argentina on a map, he made his way to the airport with hardly any money to his name; certainly not enough to buy a plane ticket.  But God had sovereignly spoken to a man who was told to meet Tommy Hicks at the airport and buy him a one-way ticket to Argentina.    During the flight to this South American country, the name Perrone kept coming to Hick’s mind, and he asked the flight attendant if she had ever heard that name.  She said that he was the President of Argentina, and God confirmed in Tommy Hick’s heart that his destination was the capitol building. 

In his attempt to gain an audience with the President, he was turned away and told to go to the Minister of Religion.  At the Minister of Religion’s office, he again was told that there was not time for him, but at that moment, the Minister came out of his office to go see a doctor because his leg had been impaired and infected.  Hicks seized the opportunity as a time of ministry and asked if he could pray for the leg.  The Minister of Religion agreed.  Hicks went to his knees to lay hands on him and to pray, and the Lord miraculously healed the man.  Immediately, President Perrone was contacted and he sent for Hicks.  When the President then asked the humble preacher what he needed, Hicks explained that he wanted to have a crusade and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The press, radio, and local stadium were made accessible to him, and over the next few weeks, countless people were touched by the power of God.  The crowds grew larger each night until during the last half of the meetings, 200,000 people flooded the stadium.  To that date, those were the largest crowds ever to gather for a crusade.  Lives were changed and people were saved, healed, baptized, and filled with the Holy Spirit simply because this preacher said yes to God’s heart.

God delights in taking the little or much we have to offer and making it something of eternal value.  Offer Him your:
            Prayers (Ephesians 6: 10-12) to invoke God’s power to change lives.
            Resources (Philippians 4:16-19) to advance the work of the Gospel.
Life (Romans 12:1) to invite His leading in your life.

But as one author clearly stated, “We need missionaries in the marketplace as well as in Pango-Pango.”  Our mission field begins in our own hearts, then extends to our families, friends, co-workers, neighbors, then wherever else the Lord may lead, to the uttermost ends of the earth.

Terry Risser

Consider reading the Word today:,%201%20cor%206&version=NKJV

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