The Bible is history’s best seller.
Made up of 66 books, outside of the creation of mankind, it is the only
other thing described as “God-breathed.” Its totals equate to 3.5 million letters,
783,000 words, 31,101 verses, 10,000 events, 8,000 predictions, 7,736 usages of
the “Lord,” 6,568 commands, 3,358 usages of “God,” 3, 268 fulfilled
prophecies…all leading to redemption through One Savior- Jesus Christ. Priceless!!!
Old Testament
In Genesis the
world was made, in Exodus the march was told
Leviticus contains
the law, in Numbers are the tribes enrolled
In Deuteronomy
again, we’re urged to keep God’s law alone
And these five
books of Moses make the oldest writings that are known
Historical Books
Brave Joshua to
Canaan leads, in Judges oft the Jews rebel
We read of
David’s name in Ruth, and First and Second Samuel
In First and
Second Kings we read, how bad the Hebrew state became
In First and
Second Chronicles, another history of the same
In Ezra captive Jews return, while Nehemiah
builds the wall
Queen Esther
saves her race from death, these books “Historical” we call
Poetical Books
In Job we read
of patient faith, in Psalm’s are David’s songs of Praise
The Proverbs are
to make us wise, Ecclesiastes next portrays
How vain
fleeting earthly pleasures are, the Song of Solomon is all
About the love
of God, and these, give books “Poetical” we call
Prophetical Books
Isaiah tells
of Christ to come, while Jeremiah tells of Woe
And in his
Lamentations mourns the Holy cities overthrow
Ezekiel speaks
of mysteries, while Daniel foretells kings of old
Hosea calls
men to repent, In Joel, judgments are foretold
Amos tells of
wrath, and Edom, Obadiah is sent to warn
While Jonah
shows how Christ should rise, and Micah where He should be
In Nahum,
Ninevah is seen, In Habbakkuk, Chaldea’s guilt
Judah’s sins, Haggai, the temple’s built
tells of Christ, And Malachi of John, his signs
The prophets
number seventeen, And all the books are thirty-nine
New Testament
Mark, Luke and John, tell of Christ, His life they trace
Acts shows the
Holy Spirit’s work; and Romans how we are saved by grace
instructs the church, Galatians show God’s grace alone
Ephesians how
we are “in Christ,” Philippians, Christ’s joys made known
Pastoral Epistles
Colossians portrays Christ exalted, and
Thessalonians tells the end
In Timothy and
Titus both, are rules for pastors to attend
pictures charity, thirteen epistles penned by Paul
The Jewish law
prefigured Christ; and Hebrews clearly shows it all.
James shows
that faith by works must live, and Peter urges steadfastness
While John
exhorts to Christian love; and those who live it, God will bless
Jude shows the
end of evil men, while Revelation tells of heaven,
These end the
whole New Testament, in all, they number twenty-seven
(Author Unknown)
As you read it today, thank Him for His gift that has
changed us. Let His Word shape your life.
Terry Risser
1) Which
book has most shaped your life?
2) Share
a verse from that book that means the most to you.
Consider reading the Word:
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