It’s Never Too Late!
“Never be lacking in zeal, but
keep your spiritual fervor…” Romans 12:11
God has an amazing sense of humor! He constantly uses the seemingly unusable
throughout the Bible to accomplish His task…all for the purpose of reminding
people of His greatness and glory. He’ll take the ruddy young
teenager to defeat giants and the aged senior to father the Nation of
Israel. In every case, passion
supersedes age every time!
Whether you’re five
or one hundred and five, you have a lifetime ahead of you and you never have to
stop dreaming. There is never a better
time than right now to let God use you.
Richard Bach stated, “Here
is the test to determine whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re
alive, it isn’t.” Forget your age. Clearly it’s what you do-not when you do it-that
really counts!!! Consider the following people:
Age 7-
Mozart wrote his first symphony.
Age 14-
Grammy Awards Pop Singer, Taylor Swift, wrote her first number one hit.
Age 16-
Swimmer Shane Gould won Three Olympic Gold Medals.
Age 20-
Debbie Fields founded Mrs. Fields Cookie Company.
Age 23-
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak launched plans for Apple Computers.
Age 25-
Charles Lindberg set his world record flight of 3,600 miles across the Atlantic
Ocean in a single-engine plane from New York to Paris.
Age 27-
Walter Disney created his animated sensation Mickey Mouse.
Age 36-
Pittsburgh Steelers’ Coach, Mike Tomlin, became the youngest coach to win
at Super Bowl (XLIII).
Age 43-
John F. Kennedy ran for the U.S. Presidency, and won.
Age 45- Boxer George Foreman regained the
Heavyweight Championship of the World.
Age 54-
Jockey Willie Shoemaker won the Kentucky Derby.
Age 57-
Ray Kroc founded McDonald’s.
Age 62-
Colonel Harland Sanders devoted himself to Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Age 78-
Grandma Moses started painting and was still participating in One-Woman
art shows well into her nineties.
Age 83- Architect Frank Lloyd Wright was
asked which of his masterpieces
was the best. “My next one,” he said.
Age 86-
Ruth Rothfarb ran the Boston Marathon in just over five hours. “You
lose a lot of speed
between 80 and 86,” she joked.
On his 104th birthday- Cal Evans
was interviewed by a Denver reporter. “Have you lived in Denver all your
life?” asked the reporter. Cal laughed and replied, “Not yet, Sonny.”
Passion is one of
the characteristics behind all great art, all great athletes, all great music,
all great literature, the driving force behind all great drama and all great
As Mel Torme sang
about “kids from 1 to 92,” God isn’t
finished with you whether you’re Grandma Moses at 78, or the great leader Moses
at 80. You never know what He could have
around the corner for you.
Terry Risser
1) Do you see your greatest days behind you or
ahead of you?
2) Ask God to show you how He might use your
passions and talents this year.
Consider reading the word today:
Copyright 2014
- Terry Risser
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