10,000 Reasons “Plus”
“I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”
John 10:10b
Before most people come into a personal relationship with Christ, they
have been inundated with more myths about Christianity than Rain Man could
count toothpicks. Most of them
tend to paint a distorted or discouraging view of what it means to follow
God. Rather than hitting the jackpot, it
makes it sound like a consolation prize on a bad game show.
Things like: 1)
God is a kill-joy 2) Christianity is for weak people, 3) Jesus is timid, 4) The
fun is over, 5) The Bible is full of “do nots,” (not donuts) and 6) You have to
give up too many good things.
You can add another several hundred onto these and find yourself
second-guessing why you ever signed on God’s dotted line.
It couldn’t be further from the truth. In John 10:10, Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life and
have it more abundantly.” Did you
catch that? The words “more abundantly” remind us that God has something better
for you.
At first glance, some conclude that to follow Christ means to
get eternity, but you have to give up all the “cool stuff” that the world
offers. However, in a world that has an “either/or”
mentality, God is into “both/and” theology.
Our culture says, “Give up to God and you’ll give up your life.” God says, “Give up to God, and you’ll get all
that you bargained for.”
C.S. Lewis wrote, “Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you will get neither.” When it comes down to it, God’s isn’t interested
in taking away your fun. He’s more
interested in giving you “a real life.”
Not only that, you’d be amazed to recount all the things that God gives.
A few years ago, a
book entitled “14,000 Things To Be Happy
About” caught my eye. It
mentions a few of God’s blessings that you can enjoy:
Vacations, double
cheeseburgers, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, the beach, Honda Accords and Kias,
friends, snow skiing, hiking, children, hot showers, good perfume, tri-tip
steaks, “It’s A Wonderful Life,” chrysanthemums, Home Depot, Disneyland,
novels, paychecks, laptops, cookie dough, Christmas, coconut, washing machines,
the Declaration of Independence, swimming pools, forests, family, the USA,
football, worship CD’s, airplane rides, Nike shoes, Mary Englebreit, mountains,
the ability to laugh, and Steve Martin.
Not to mention, raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens and 13,963
“favorite” other things.
For those who think
we have a “don’t” God, think again.
This doesn’t even begin to touch the list of blessings we inherit once
we become heirs to his family. You have
the freedom to make the right decisions, experience the freedom “not to sin,”
contentment, a new identity, forgiveness of our past, grace for trials, strength
in stress, healing, right priorities, and the security of heaven. Not to mention, the Holy Spirit’s presence
and purpose for living and countless “more” things.
Truthfully, the only thing God wants you to give up are the
things that rob you of His ultimate best and the consequences that so painfully
follow bad choices. James
2:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights who does
not change like a shifting shadow…” Matt Redman sang it best, “10,000 Reasons for
my heart to find”…and a few more to boot.
Terry Risser
1) List
3 things from above or your own list, that you need to remember are a blessing
from God.
2) Find
something not listed above, which you can thank God for today.
Consider reading the word today:
Copyright 2014- Terry Risser
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