Going God’s Direction
“But I tell you, something greater
than the Temple is here! If you had known
what ‘I want mercy and not sacrifice’ means, you would not have condemned the
innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the
Sabbath.” Matthew 12:6-8
Scanning the DMV
Driver Handbook is not my idea of a good leisurely read. Outside of the Word, I can think of many
other ways to spend my time including sports, history, and the newspaper. But the potential of needing to retake my test
after many years caused me to go at it like a
college sophomore on the eve of mid-terms. Thankfully,
a last second audible from the DMV clerk (and
probably plenty of pity) caused me to “pass go” and collect four years of California
cruising. I hugged her and sang out, “Life is a highway…I’m gonna ride it all night long.”
After over 30 years behind the wheel, driving has become
second nature. The stops, starts, twists and
turns of the road are built into my default system. However, the review wasn’t all for naught…it
was an epiphany of sorts as it got me thinking how it correlates with God’s Great
Instruction Manual including:
1) The Rules: At the heart, we all understand the “do nots”
of the driver’s
handbook (“Do not”
text, do not tow anyone on a bicycle, do not leave a
child unattended, do not drive
past safety barriers, and more which also
contains tons of “do’s”). Just like the road, the purpose of these rules,
and hundreds more, is for
safety. In Psalm 119:10, 11, David
wrote, “O
heart, that I might not sin against
Roads: When in certain
countries, make sure that your traffic flow is heeded and maintained. To go the wrong way can be hazardous and
deadly to your well being. In God’s
Kingdom, we are all born driving on the wrong side of the road, but salvation
causes us to shift to a new way of thinking.
In other words, it doesn’t come naturally. But over time, our minds are renewed to a new
way of functioning. Think England to
America. Psalm 25:4b exclaims, “School me in your ways.” (Msg)
Right of Way: The California
Handbook declares you must obey a traffic direction, order, or signal given by
traffic. In the case of a conflict, you
must follow the instructions of a police officer or firefighter above existing
signs, signals or laws. This is the “Law above the law.”
Whether on the road or in God’s Kingdom, laws are not created for the
sake of laws. They are for a higher
purpose…and always changeable if the situation warrants it. God has the ability to superimpose His will
on any circumstance in your life or mine.
We understand that from the laws of nature. If
God is responsible for creating the universe and establishing the scientific
laws within it, He therefore must be capable of interfering with those laws
wherever necessary. In the aeronautics
world, gravity is a law to which we would all ascend. After all, “What goes up, must come down.” It’s a scientific law which cannot be broken
especially pertaining to our atmosphere as it enables us to function and
maintain levels of normalcy in life.
However, plane flight suspends that law every time as God does in us. He supersedes the dead things and brings them
to back to life and takes the impossible and makes it possible again.
In Matthew 12, Jesus and His disciples
are chastised by the religious for working on the Sabbath thus violating the 4th
Law of the Ten Commandments, also known
as the “Sabbath (or rest) Law.” Yet Jesus simple yet direct
response left no doubt that He not only created the world and the laws in them,
but He is the Lord of them. Verse 8 says, “For the Son of Man is Lord of
the Sabbath.” In other words, God’s Law were never meant to stifle life,
but to give it. Anytime we solicit His help, He stretches its boundaries…even
on a Sunday.
Are you in need of provision? He transcends the limits of our lives. Are you wanting a miracle? He surpasses all of the world’s
resources. The Lord of the Sabbath is
the Lord of every need. Each day is another opportunity to give Him
the Right of Way. If you do, He’ll never
lead you in the wrong direction.
Terry Risser
- Where is Christ asking you to give Him Lordship?
- What area are you asking for a miracle or provision?
Consider reading the word today:
Copyright 2014
- Terry Risser
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