Christianity: Won and Done
“I am the way, the
truth and the life.” (John 14:6)
We live in a society
where truth is guessed at or approximate.
The idea of relativism means “no absolutes.” Many have referred to it as a post-modern
society. Many decades ago, we lived in a
world where generally everyone agreed on right and wrong and what was true and
what was false. It was based on
Judeo-Christian values. Even people without
a relationship with God had a general sense of a compass and the North Star. Some time ago,
all of that seemed to change. Soon, that opposition turned to a belief that
there are none called “The Age of Enlightenment” or “The Age of Progression.”
It set the stage for the way that many people believe and think. People have made a major miscalculation by
believing that their opinion amounts to truth.
An accountant
answered an advertisement for a top job with a large firm. At the end of the
interview, the chairman asked, “One last question—what is three times seven?”
The accountant thought for a moment and replied, “Twenty-two.” Outside he
checked himself on his calculator and concluded he had lost the job. But two
weeks later he was offered the post. He asked the chairman why he had been
appointed when he had given the wrong answer. “You were the closest,” the
chairman replied.
Some people have the
mistaken idea that God is like the man who conducted the interview. They think it
doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you’re close to the truth. But Jesus was clear when He claimed to be
“THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life.” (John 14:6)
When it comes down to
it, Christianity offers answers that other faiths do not hold. Not long ago, I read 10 statements by
Timothy Hattem, that reveals why God’s offer of salvation through Christ brings
the greatest truth and hope to mankind.
He writes:
1) Christianity is the only religion in which
God reaches out to man. All other
religions are attempts by man to reach up
to God.
2) Christianity is the only religion that fully
deals with sin because of Christ’s
work on the Cross.
3) Christianity is the only religion that allows
followers into the presence of the
4) Christianity is the only religion that offers
its followers true assurance of
salvation because our salvation is based
upon Christ’s works, not our own.
5) Christianity is the only religion in which
the Holy Spirit is promised to us, and
dwells in us.
6) Christianity is the only religion in the
world where its leader is the judge of all
7) Christianity is the only religion in which
our leader was raised from the dead.
8) Christianity is the only religion in which
death is truly conquered.
9) Christianity is the only religion in which
it’s leader was born of a virgin, lived a
perfect life according to God’s Law, and
fulfilled countless Old Testament
10) All the leaders of every other religion, need
Christ as their Savior as well as
their followers.
People for centuries
have tried to delineate between faiths of all kinds. However, every religion can be summarized in
one of two words…Do or Done. While all
religions basically say, “This is what I need to do to get to God.” Different lists you have to follow. One will say these things. Another will say these things. Another will
say it’s a little bit of this and that.
If we do all these things, then God will smile and say, “You’re good and
I will accept you. Jesus Christ came to
say, “That’s all wrong. That’s not it.
I’m not into religion. I want you
to have a relationship with Me. And I’ve
already done it for you. You don’t have
to. You just have to accept what I’ve
already done on the cross.” When it
comes down to it…it’s Do or Done. Much
better to turn to the Savior who won salvation and the work is done. It’s a much more freeing way to live.
Terry Risser
1) Why do people struggle to receive Christ’s
truth over others?
2) How do we pursue God our way rather than
His way?
2014- Terry Risser
Consider reading the Word today:
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