From Stressed To Blessed
“You cannot serve two masters... You cannot
serve both God and money." Luke 16:13
One of the reasons we become so
stressed over finances is that we are either carrying the weight of it or we
are letting God do it. The best way to release that pressure is to
invite God into the process. God wants
to bless our lives so that we can bless His work.
In Matthew 6 , there is this great
passage about God’s care for us. Sparrows don’t worry about their meals yet
God provides. Flowers don’t carry the
weight of their growth but God makes it happen.
Yet, human beings “worry” about things.
Why? Because we often haven’t settled the master issue. Luke 16:13 says, “You cannot serve two masters... You cannot
serve both God and money." Inherently
we understand that we will serve one or the other. If you serve God, he’ll lighten your load…if
you serve money, you will carry its load. It’s as simple as that. Who are you worshipping this morning? Those
are your two options? You've got to decide what's going to be first in your
Recently, I read about a family that put up a hummingbird
feeder with four feeding stations. Almost
immediately it became popular with the hummingbirds that lived in the area.
Two, three, or even four birds would feed at one time. The feeder would be
refilled at least once a day. Suddenly the usage decreased to almost nothing. The feeder needed filling only about once a
week. The reason for the decreased usage soon became apparent. A male bird had
taken over the feeder as “his” property. He was now the only hummingbird who
used it. He would feed and then sit in a nearby tree, rising to attack any bird
that approached his feeder. Guard duty occupied his every waking hour. He was
an effective guard. The only time another bird got to use the feeder was when
the self-appointed owner was momentarily gone to chase away an intruder. He was
consumed by it. That hummingbird was
teaching a valuable lesson. By choosing to assume ownership of the feeder, he
forfeited his freedom. He was no longer free to come and go as he wished. He
was tied to the work of guarding his feeder, his stuff. He was possessed by his
It’s uncanny how many of us can fall
into the same trap. If you say to God,
"I want You first in my life" He will test you. He will test your priorities.
Count on it. The way He's going
to test your priorities is He's going to ask you to give something away to see
what's really first in your life. That is true whether you have $20 or $2
million. But when you learn to give through tithing and giving offerings God’s
greatest blessings come.
There are three huge reasons that God tells us to tithe. It
is absolutely essential to our growth in Christ.
1) First,
it’s an investment plan
Most people
understand the investment process. When
you invest, you are putting money in for the purpose of getting a return. God promises a return in this life (I will
open the windows of heaven to you). Your
investment is reaching people for Christ.
Your investment is being used to expand the Kingdom. God’s reward system is real. Matthew 6:19 says, “When we
give, we store up
treasure in heaven.” God promises a return in the next life. (When we get to heaven, God is going to
assess what we did with what He gave us and we will be rewarded 30, 60 and 100
2) Second, it’s an insurance policy
Most people
wouldn’t dream of living their lives without some kind of insurance because it
means your covered in challenging times.
We have insurance policies because we know that life will bring. . Car insurance…Flood Insurance…Home
Insurance. Tithers and givers have ultimate insurance. When you invest in God’s kingdom, God promises
to cover you from tragedy. When I have
an insurance policy, I know I’m covered.
When I tithe and give, I know I’m covered.
3) Thirdly, it’s an inoculation pill
In other
words, it the antidote to materialism. We
understand an inoculation against sickness and disease. There is within us the insidious nature of
greed and grabbing that forever exists.
It’s all about get, get, get from the get-go. But a heart of giving
counters that virus. The truth is, every time you tithe, every time you do an
act of generosity, every time you give, every time you sit down and write out
that check as a tithe, you are winning a spiritual victory over materialism.
Follow God’s plan in finances.
When you do, He will open the windows of heaven to your life. Go ahead…start today (or breakthrough in new
ways) and see what God will do in your life.
Terry Risser
1) What has been your response to God’s
challenge to give since following Him?
2) Has it become easier or more difficult?
Consider reading the Word today:
2014-Terry Risser
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