A Time For Thankfulness
“This service that you performed is
not only supplying the needs of God’s people, but also overflowing in many
expressions of thanks to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:12
If we want
to reveal a grateful heart, we need to begin to put it into action. It’s important that we have a right attitude
and perspective, but true thankfulness is revealed when we begin to act. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 9:12,
“This service that you performed is not
only supplying the needs of God’s people, but also overflowing in many
expressions of thanks to God.” People with grateful hearts are always
finding ways to bless others.
Thanksgiving is never neutral.
Not just a matter of the heart or mind.
It always reveals itself through action.
We need to
train our eyes to see God in the circumstances that we face. In
2 Chronicles, Jehosophat said, “We don’t
know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.”
We can see the circumstances…or we can ask to see God. God will give us a new perspective. It’s easy to be thankful for the good things.
But, a life of true fulfillment can come to those who are also thankful for the
setbacks. As hard as it may be, find a way to be thankful for your troubles,
and they can become your blessings.
Perspective means that God will give us the ability to see.
Max Lucado tells about living as an
American in Brazil. One
day, as he was walking along the street on his way to the University to teach a
class, he felt a tug on his pants leg. Turning around, he saw a little boy
about 5 or 6 years old with dark
beady eyes and a dirty little face. The little boy looked up at the big
American & said, "Peo, Senor. Bread, Sir?" He was a little beggar
boy and Lucado said, "There are always little beggar boys in the streets
of Brazil. Usually I turn away from them because there are so many, & you
can’t feed them all. But there was
something so compelling about this little boy that I couldn’t turn away. So,
taking his hand, I said, ‘Come with me’ and I took him into a coffee
shop." I told the owner, "I’ll have a cup of coffee & give the
boy a piece of pastry, whatever he wants." Since the pastry counter was at
the other end of the store, he walked on, and I got a cup of coffee, forgetting
about the little boy because beggar boys usually get the bread & then run
back out into the street and disappear.
But this one didn’t.
After he received his pastry, he went over to the big American and just
stood there until Lucado felt his staring eyes. Lucado said, "I turned and
looked at him. Standing up, his eyes just about hit my belt buckle. Then slowly
his eyes came up until they met mine." The little boy, holding his pastry
in one hand, looked up and said, "Thank you, sir. Thank you very
much." Lucado said, "I was so touched by the boy’s thanks that I
would have bought him the store. I sat there for another 30 minutes, late for
my class, just thinking about a little beggar boy who came back & said,
`Thank you.’" I wonder if God feels the same? I wonder if His heart
bubbles inside when we, His children, beggars all, come to Him & say,
"Thank you, Sir. Thank you very much."
In Luke 17, we read the story of
the ten lepers. They stood out at a distance and cried to
Jesus as He was traveling along the border of Samaria and Galilee. The disease ridden lepers cried out, “Jesus, Master have pity on us.” Jesus had pity and said, “Go show yourself to the priest.” (v. 14) says, “And as the lepers went they were
cleansed. One of them when he saw he was
healed came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw Himself at Jesus’ feet
and thanked Him.” Jesus’ emotional response into the ingratitude of the
nine lepers gives us a glimpse into God’s heart. William Barclay says, “No story in all the gospels so poignantly
shows man’s ingratitude like the lepers in Luke 17. They
came with a desperate longing; He cured them and nine never came back to give
thanks.” True gratitude will reveal itself through action
mentioned a few things that we can have perspective on. Here are a few suggestions:
thankful you don’t already have everything you want. If
you did, what would there be to look forward to?
thankful when you don’t know something,
this gives you the opportunity to learn.
thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary, because it means you’ve made a difference.
Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary, because it means you’ve made a difference.
In good times
or challenging times, there is always reason for overflowing expressions of
gratitude to God. Take time to
thank Him today.
Terry Risser
1) Give one of the reasons above why you can
give thanks today?
2) Can you think of a time recently that God
turned a difficult situation into a praise report?
Consider reading the Word today:
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