Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16 - What He Works In You…He Will Work Through You

What He Works In You…He Will Work Through You

“He helps us in our trials so that we can helps others in their trials.”
2 Corinthians 1:4

Life’s experiences have a way of shaping us.  Whether we like it or not, it is one of God’s greatest ways to grow us.  Often it comes through people or pressure, but mostly through good old-fashioned problems.  Like Starbuck’s serves its coffee, they can be “Tall, Grande or Vente” but one things for sure, there is no avoiding them.

Several years ago, I sat in an eatery called Pacific Whey near a mall.  I settled into the booth, and immediately recognized a man named Mitch Albom who sat one table over. Through a quick hello and a quick appreciation of his work, he asked, “How do you know me?”  I said, “Through TV and your books…you have encouraged many people.” As a television commentator, he has authored several New York Times best-sellers.  Most notably, he wrote a book entitled, “Tuesdays With Morrie” that became a movie starring Hank Azary and Jack Lemmon.  It was a true-to-life encounter from his personal life during Morries's final days.  In his book, Mitch would recount the story of his friendship with Morrie Schwartz, a former professor, who was diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. 

Tuesday was their time to share.  On that day, he would go to visit his terminally-ill professor who would give Mitch life lessons he had gained from his family.
The book arose from his recollection of lessons shared by his friend and mentor, Morrie.  He would recount the amazing positive attitude that Morrie showed even though diagnosed with a terminal illness.  Morrie would talk about the things he had learned from family, work, dreams, disappointments, and more.  No matter what, he always gleaned something from it.  And, he always found a way to use it.

One of the most dramatic encounters in the Bible came in the life of the Apostle Paul.  When you follow the life of the Apostle Paul, you see a distinct transitioning.  When you are first introduced to him, he is murdering Christians…then in Acts 9, we see a life-changing experience.  He comes to know the Lord Jesus Christ.  His whole set of values begins to change. What used to be important was no longer important.  He rejects a life of legalism and religiosity and embraces a life of grace and faith.  Facing incredible trials, he used them to write one half of the New Testament and transform the western world with Christ’s message of salvation. 

No matter what happened, Paul took it and used it.  “He helps us in our trials so that we can helps others in their trials.” 2 Corinthians 1:4

As you meet with Him today, remember that time with Him isn’t limited to one day…but learn from Him daily. You will encourage many and the results will be life-changing.

Terry Risser

1)   Can you recall a trial that God used you to help someone else?
2)   What might He be using today to work in and through you?

Copyright 2014 - Terry Risser

Consider reading the Word today, click on link for Reading Plan:,%20luke%2016&version=NIV


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