Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30 - Getting Out Of Our Ruts

Getting Out Of Our Ruts

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.”  1 Corinthians 2:9

Years ago, an old college professor threw out a zinger that continues to resonate to this day.   He said, “Young men and women, be careful of ruts.  They are graves with the ends knocked out.”  Wise words indeed.  Whether young or old, we are all susceptible to them, being the creatures of habit that we are.

Ruts are deadly temptations to fall into (the status quo or comfort zone) when God has an exhilarating and captivating plan that requires constant stretching.  There are emotional ruts…restaurant ruts…financial ruts…marriage ruts…and yes, even spiritual ruts.  The kind that cause our walk with God to grow more stale than three week bread.

The Denver Zoo had a difficult decision to make some time back.  They were offered the gift of a beautiful, large polar bear.  But there was no existing space for it.  They were in the middle of a fund-raising campaign to renovate the zoo and in their renovation plans, they changed the strategy to include a magnificent habitat for the polar bear.  In the meantime, the bear was put in a small, temporary cage. The cage was so small that he could only take three steps, turn around and walk three steps back.  Because of the unforeseen delays the construction took three years.  However, the enclosure was absolutely beautiful.  It had everything; a small waterfall, caves, and plenty space to move around.  The bear entered its new space.

 It took three steps. 
Turned around and took three steps.
Turned around and took three steps. 

The rut pattern had formed. We are prone to become conditioned to the fact that life is one way and that’s all that it will ever be.  Even polar bears aren’t exempt from such a mindset.

It is also a good picture of how Israel got into ruts.  In Judges 6, Gideon’s story reminds us of such a season.  They had been beaten, battered and barraged so many times, victorious living seemed like a pipe dream.  Enters God.  He starts with a “cowardly corporal” and turns him into a “gigantic general.”   In God’s victory through Gideon, over 138,000 Midianites with several hundred Israelites is a story for the ages.  They move from “rutters to routers” in a short few weeks.

A.W. Tozer said, “God is looking for those through whom He can do the        impossible-what a pity that we plan only the things we can do by ourselves.”

Today, God wants to break the ruts, self-imposed limits, and elongated graves that paralyze us.  It starts when we see what a great God He is, what great things He can do, and how limitless His work is through ordinary people like you and me.   It is a lot more exciting than what we can do on our own.

Terry Risser

1)   Name your biggest rut.
2)   What area of trust and risk might God be inviting you to experience this week.

Consider reading the word of God today:,%20acts%206&version=NIV

Copyright 2014 - Terry Risser

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