Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13 - State Of The Church Address

State Of The Church Address

Each year, the President of the United States stands before the nation to share the “State of the Union Address” as he assesses where we stand as he establishes the course that we will take in every issue, from domestic policies to international challenges.

Just like countries and businesses, churches would do themselves good to frequently evaluate their “state.” Sundays are an appropriate time to consider it as well.  Sometimes questions such as “Are we on course?” “Is progress occurring?” and “Are we moving forward?” can sound dangerously secular.  After all, churches that view their condition with the same bottom-line view and corporate numbering that businesses do, run the risk of setting a standard that isn’t based upon godliness, but rather fleshliness.  Just ask David when he took the census in 2 Samuel that caused the demise of not a few good men.  I realize as well as anyone that you can’t weigh spirituality on scales, but we can look at certain indicators of God’s work among us. 

Many gauges could be used, but let’s suggest just a few:

Servant Test:  We have mentioned on various occasions the practical areas that determine whether churches are “running on all cylinders.”  Do we know Him, and are we making Him known?  We have seen an increased desire for many to find opportunities to share God’s Word personally, grow in Him, reach out through our gifts, and touch the world for Christ.  An effective church is a serving church.  In John 13, Jesus demonstrated His servant heart by washing others’ feet.  Are we looking for similar opportunities?

Vision Test:  Do we have a 20/20 view of the church’s direction?  Many churches inhibit progress because of lack of purpose.  Others because their purpose is unheeded. However, a healthy church always has a two-fold emphasis…reaching in to those in need of healing and reaching out to those in need of salvation.  We must never lose sight of those two goals.  As we look to the future, we find that God is providing open doors for the expansion of His Kingdom to reach even more children, youth, and adults.

Fruit Test:  One friend once stated, “I’m am not called to judge others…but I am a fruit inspector.”  We need to inspect our personal fruit and the fruit of those around us, and the church.  While the Bible speaks of the importance of the “Gifts of the Spirit,” gifts should be a means to the “Fruit of the Spirit.”  God desires that our attitudes and heart condition be pleasing to Him.  Galatians 5:22 refers to the fruit of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.”  Are you ripening?

Faith Test:  Faith in God is revealed through trials, conformity in character, giving, and belief in His sovereignty. Churches that grasp God’s invitation to partner in His eternal plan and believe it to be far beyond them, are primed for the impossible.  “And now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to His power that works within us.”  (Ephesians 3:20)  Are we looking to love Him more?

As your fellow laborer in Christ, I am thankful for all who have made Christ Lord of their lives (and those that will) and your faithfulness in these ways and so many others.  Your love for the Lord is evident and your love for one another so genuine.  To complete Paul’s phrase in Ephesians 3:20, “To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and forever!  Amen!”

Terry Risser

1)    Which of the four main areas are you most growing?  Which of the areas do you need to grow the most?
2)    Let God do an inventory on your heart today.  Ask Him to grow you more into His image.

Consider reading the Word today:

Copyright 2014- Terry Risser

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