Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15 - Stewarding Toward Success

Stewarding Toward Success

“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…” Matt. 6:20

On this Tax Day, finances are placed In an irretrievable and indispensable position.  There is not getting around it.  Billy Graham once said, “If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area of his life.”  However the opposite is just as true.   Are you involving God in your finances? Are you giving to God through your finances? Money will test your spiritual life like few areas. 

Since money will test us, we need to ask “What does it test?” God uses money to test your gratitude. God uses money to test your faith. God uses money to test your priorities. God uses money to test your values. God uses money to test how responsible and mature you are. God will even use money to test your character.
The Bible has story after story of people in the Bible who gave him Lordship over every area.  And when they did,  God did His greatest work.  We see it everywhere, miracle after miracle, done because of people who were willing to make themselves available to God.  When Peter lent Jesus his boat, he caught the greatest catch of his life. When the four friends lent their cot for the paralyzed buddy, a miracle followed.  When Jesus fed the 5,000, it was a little boy who gave what he had leaving twelve basketfuls left over.  In Matthew 22, Jesus has to pay taxes and tells Peter to go get a particular fish and he would find a coin in the fish's mouth.  There are hundreds of stories in the Bible and God is more than able to make “His grace abound to you.”

In 1945, Truett Cathy and his brother Ben had a vision for building and       operating a restaurant together.  After pooling their savings, selling Truett’s car, and finding favor with First National Bank of Atlanta, they were able to put together $10,600. In his book, It’s Easier to Succeed Than to Fail, Truett describes the obstacles they faced in those post-World War II years when building materials were scarce.  The larger contractors were first in line for whatever was available. Truett and his brother were forced to buy used building materials. Nails were so hard to find they had to straighten old ones and reuse them.   As their building neared completion, they faced a second obstacle.  They couldn’t buy enough food for their grill.  In Post World War II, meat was hard to come by.  Larger more established restaurants were able to get around the government controls.  But a couple of guys starting from scratch had no leverage in the tightly controlled food business.  In spite of their setbacks, Truett and Ben opened the Dwarf Grill on schedule in May, 1946.  As Truett walked around the outside of the building on opening day, he was overwhelmed with God’s providential care and intervention.  He recognized that apart from God’s help, the grill would never have been more than an idea. 

He wrote:  “I walked around the outside alone, my heart filled with happiness that I couldn’t express.  I thanked God for helping us and for giving us the courage to start and keep going.” In the years that followed, Truett’s dream grew.  He said, “Ideas come from God- but they won’t keep.  They have to be acted on.” In 1967, Truett acted on his new idea. He built and dedicated his first Chic-Fil-A unit. In the years that followed, Truett and his team went on to develop Chick-Fil-A into an international restaurant chain with annual revenues approaching one billion dollars.  Those close to Truett will attest to the fact that he has never forgotten God’s faithfulness to Him in the early days.  Their corporate purpose statement reads:  “To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us.  To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-Fil-A.” In doing so, Truett Cathy has closed his restaurants on Sunday bringing God’s blessing to this multibillion dollar company.  Whether great or small, honoring God should be the heart of each of us.

Whether a go-for-broke dream or our everyday stewardship, God wants to be glorified through our resources.  Those of us who call ourselves Christ followers have an ultimate loyalty and a full and final allegiance to the God beyond the numbers, to the    Supernatural One who architected and oversees the entire economic universe.   All of us, who call Him our Lord should respond immediately and wholeheartedly, “I will do whatever you ask me to do.”

Luke 16:11 says, “If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” (NIV) Some of us might read that and say, “What does my money have to do with trustworthiness?”  The Bible is saying, “There is something huge at stake, whether we get it or not, regarding God’s assessment of your life based on how you are handling your money.”
It’s simply pointing out that your investment funds on the other side of the grave are far more important in the overall scheme of things than your investments on this side of the grave. If all you do is pay attention to the investment on this side of the grave, you’ve missed the plot entirely.  God is really interested in developing an eternal portfolio that pays off in eternity.  Of course, there are key elements to financial success including earning right, spending right, saving right and investing right.  But true blessing comes from “giving right.”  If you already do, let God stretch you in tithes and offerings.  If you are in process, start to be stretched.  You’ll be amazed with the big things He can do with our giving. 

Terry Risser

1)    How are you doing in trusting God with your finances through giving in tithes and offerings?
2)    What is your greatest obstacle in full stewardship to God?  Do you trust that He will come through for you?

Consider reading the Word today:

Copyright 2014- Terry Risser

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