Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7 - A Pastoral Prayer For The Church

A Pastoral Prayer For The Church

Thank you for your faithfulness to our church and the many churches
who are serving you.
We pray that our desire to serve you will be so evident
through the love, joy and faithfulness You have given us,
and we ask that it would be revealed in our lives each day.
May our care and encouragement for one another be a testimony
of Your life in us.
May we continue to increase in a spirit of grace and peace as Your Spirit indwells us and as we serve as your hands and eyes to a hurting community and world.

Protect us, Savior.
Keep us from those things that inhibit or restrict Your flow through us,
The enemy that exploits our vulnerabilities,
The world that feeds any temptations,
The flesh that wars against the spirit
Help us to guard our hearts and minds from any invasion of a destructive nature.

Guide us, Lord.
Increase in each one a deeper understanding of Your will and Your way.
Reveal to us how You are at work in our lives today.
Instill a passion for the eternal things and decrease our hunger for the temporary,
that we might truly experience the fullness of all that You have for us.

Empower us, Lamb of God.
That we might be built up in a growing walk of maturity,
Through the daily times of intimacy,
Through the reading of Your Word,
Through the stewardship of the material and ministry gifts given us,
Through the assembly of fellow believers,
Through the continual filling of the Holy Spirit,
To be saturated and controlled by the heart of grace and truth.

Use us, Gracious Master.
As vessels and instruments waiting to be placed in Your hands.
Give each one of us a spirit of servanthood and humility,
That no task be too small and no act of service be too great,
And that no seat at the table be below our dignity
So that the hopeless, hurting, and hindered hearts find life in You.

Finally, Precious Redeemer.
Unveil the sense of purpose and destiny that You have for us.
Inspire us to live as Chosen People, a Royal Priesthood, A Holy Nation,
a People belonging to God,
That we might declare Your praises as You have called us out of the Darkness and into Your Wonderful and Holy Light
In Your Loving Name we pray, Amen.

Terry Risser

Consider reading the Word today:,%20ps%2066,%202%20cor%207&version=NKJV

Copyright 2014- Terry Risser

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