Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17 - Loving Without Regret

Loving Without Regret

“So Jesus explained Himself at length. “I’m telling you this straight. The Son can’t independently do a thing, only what He sees the Father doing. What the Father does, the Son does.”  John 5:19

Regret.  It’s one of those insidious words that mock us and hovers over our heads long after an event has transpired.  It reminds us of “what might have been” or a “road not taken.”  In short, it’s something that we knew to do and chose not to for whatever reason.  Maybe it was  apathy…stubbornness…procrastination…pride…wrong choices or any number of hindrances that cause us to live in a state of remorse.

Talk to individuals or couples for any length of time and you’ll notice this common thread of humanity.  It usually comes out something like, “I wish I had told her how much I cared,” or “If I could only do it over again, I would have done it differently.” 

Search the New Testament high and low and you’ll find something noticeably absent.  Jesus never regretted anything that He ever did.  Oh sure, you say, “Being God helps to avoid such problems.”  But we also need to see the same Spirit that is in Christ is in us.  Following Jesus’ example, we can learn to live daily by the Spirit’s gentle nudges. 

1)  His purpose was always before Him (Mark 5:45- “For the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister; and to give His life as a ransom for many.”)
2)  His timing was always perfect (Matthew 26:18- “The Teacher says: ‘My appointed time is near.’”)
3)  His task was always completed (John 19:30- “When He had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.’”)
4)  His love was always revealed (Mark 8:2- “I have compassion for these people, they have already been with Me three days and have nothing to eat.”)

Something else noticeably absent in reading the Scriptures.  It struck me some time ago that Jesus never said, “I love you.”  You might think that there is something wrong with that fact except that Jesus never had to say it because He always showed it.  He knew that “later” or “maybe another time” might be too late.  If He were Latin, He would say "carpe diem" (sieze the day).  Who knows if you’ll get another chance?

While these anonymous words aren’t from the Bible, they just as easily might be given by a scriptural author.  They touched me and I believe they will you.

If you are ever going to love me, love me now, While I can know
The sweet and tender feelings which from true affection flow
Love me now while I am living, do not wait until I am gone
And then have it chiseled in marble, sweet words on ice—cold stone
If you wait until I am sleeping, so as never to awaken
There will be death between us, and I won’t hear you then
So, If you love me even it is little bit,
Let me know it while I am living so I can treasure it

Eliminating regret totally may not be possible.  But expressing your love is a good place to start (John 15:12).  In fact, why don’t you tell someone near you.  You won’t regret it!

1)   Name your biggest regret in life?  Have you given it to the Lord?
2)   Who can you express your love to today?

Consider reading the Word today:

Copyright 2014- Terry Risser

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