Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 16 - The Winds of Change

The Winds of Change

I’ve always been perplexed by the statement, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”  After all, experience has taught me, “The more things change, the more they change.”  And it’s a good thing.

We have a way of keeping our lives as “changeless” as possible.  Suggest that a person alter their favorite restaurant, deodorant, store, coffee brand, or gas station, and you’ll get a patronizing stare as if you’ve just requested the unthinkable…for, in fact, you have.  We are creatures of habit and proud of it.

The same applies to Christians.  We have certain expectations of church favorite styles of songs, nuances of leadership, and general direction of vision that become part of the makeup of a body.  For those things to change means that comfort and security are jeopardized and the future unsure…but again, that can be good.

The reason that God not only allows but even initiates change is that it brings a prime opportunity for growth…but it all depends on how we respond.   Well, the question is, what is He asking me to do?

1)  Trust in Him in the midst of change:  Realize that God saw what you were going to go through not a month, year, or decade ago, but long before you were born.
2)   Believe that Godly change always brings new dimensions:  There are always new pieces of the puzzle that God wants to bring that can only be revealed through change.
3)  Plant your feet for maximum growth:  Our tendency is to complain, run, question or fear, while the best thing is to remain in the soil that is being cultivated and “bloom where you are planted,”

Looking to the Scriptures can give us a historical account of people of different generations of Israel that God led through the winds of change and not only survived but thrived.

Moses and Joshua:  The great leader of the nation of Israel had seemed indispensable after leading the children of Israel for over forty years.  In all human speculations, it seemed an impossible task.  But the Lord had Joshua waiting in the wings ready to propel Israel through the next phase of victory.

Elijah and Elishah:  the bold and powerful prophet of old that had taken on 450 prophets of Baal and greater still the terrible twosome of Ahad and Jezebel could hardly find a comparable substitute.  Yet, God again was up to the task.  Elisha faithfully waited for the mantle to fall as his Godly mentor rode the chariot to heaven.

David and Solomon:  The shepherd boy turned world leader had established his position as a “legend” and it seemed as if Israel’s engine would come to a screeching halt.  Enters a wise young man named Solomon who was prepared by God Himself to handle what was ahead.

Change comes in many other forms.  Whether trials, passages of life, seasons of growth, and more, God always had a plan at it is generally to bring glory to Himself and growth in us.  God always has something special on the horizon when he brings change.  I guess it is true…”The more things change…the more they stay the same.”

Terry Risser

1)   Can you recall a changing season in your life in the recent past?
2)   How did God show Himself to you during that time?

Consider reading the Word today:

Copyright 2014- Terry Risser

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