Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6 - Wisdom From The Word

Wisdom From The Word

“I’m single-minded in pursuit of you; don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted.”  (Psalm 119:10)

Some time back, a friend shared a story that occurred in New York City which seemed to gain plenty of publicity and a special section of the World’s Dumbest Criminals department.  A female shopper left a store while a man grabbed her purse and ran.  The clerk saw it and immediately called the police and was able to give the dispatcher a very detailed description of the thief.  Within minutes, the police apprehended the purse-snatcher and drove him right back to the store.  Handcuffed and a bit nervous, the suspect was then taken out of the squad car and told to stand there for a positive identification.  Without hesitating, the thief replied: “Yes, officer, that’s her.  That’s the lady I stole the purse from.”

In the kingdom of crime, he failed miserably; but in God’s Kingdom, such honesty (if repentant) would have been worth an A-Plus and would have been rewarded. There are times when we find ourselves wondering, “What was I thinking - how could I have made such a foolish decision?” or “Why on earth did I say that?” or “How can I get out of this mess?”

Through Christ’s death and resurrection, Jesus made a way for us to live and speak by the power of His Holy Spirit   That’s why it’s so logical and wise for us to spend lots of time in his Word - we need to re-program our brains to think like He thinks, feel like He feels, and do as He does.  That would save us from so many troubles and many foolish decisions.  His Word is infallible and worthwhile.  For example, by simply skimming through Psalm 119, we can see a few more benefits of studying, delighting, and living according to His Word:

ÜIt is more valuable than vast stashes of silver and gold (v. 72)
ÜIt prevents soul decay (sin) – (verses 9-11)
ÜIt is enjoyable (v. 16)
ÜIt gives good counsel (v. 24)
ÜIt gives strength (v. 28)
ÜIt prevents shame (v. 31)
ÜIt gives real liberty (v. 45)
ÜIt gives hope (v. 49)
ÜIt brings comfort and wholesome life (v. 50)
ÜIt is dependable and true (v. 86)
ÜIt is eternal and unchanging (v. 89)
ÜIt gives wisdom and understanding (v. 99; 130)
ÜIt gives direction for life’s journey (v. 103)
ÜIt gives peace (v. 165)

Allow God’s Word to change you today.  It will help you grow in greater ways than you can imagine. 

Terry Risser

1)    Thank the Lord for His Word and wisdom offered to you today.
2)    Read a section of Psalm 119 and see what other jewels of blessing you might find.

Consider reading the Word today:

Copyright 2014- Terry Risser

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