ABC’s of Prayer
The age of weaponry has increased
through each passing decade and century.
While once the tools of battle involved swords and shields, they soon
advanced to guns and grenades finally reaching the levels of bazookas and
bombs. Whatever the case, the most
powerful weapon in the believer’s arson is prayer. Nothing can surpass it yet many still
struggle to take advantage of it.
Chadwick once said about the devil, “He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom,
but trembles when we pray.” You
have a very real enemy who is dead-set against your success and will stop at no
means to thwart it. He has come to
“kill, steal and destroy you.” His
multi-millennial mission has never changed and won’t conclude until he’s left
as many people in his morbid wake as he can defeat.
Fisher Humphries refers to 3
categories that occur in prayer.
First, God gives us some things, whether we ask for
them or not which is why James 1 says, “Every good and
perfect gift comes from the Father…” Sunshine, rain, food, family and more are
all part of God’s providence.
Second, when we ask God for some things that He will
not grant. As some have said, “He is
wiser than we are. Some things don’t fit into his long range plans. Some things
could be harmful to us. Some things we don’t get if even if we ask. For
whatever reason, God refrains from showing us
Thirdly, some things come our way only if we pray. This is the middle ground between the first
and second. God chooses to grant some
things only if we ask in prayer.
We, however, often make it so
complex when God thrives on simplicity.
As a simple means to pray this year, think in terms of the alphabet and
26 easy reminders. Alvin Vandergriend, in
his book Love to Pray, gives us a
good approach whether taken as a whole or in parts:
A-Abiding in Christ
(John 15:4-5)
B-Blessed with every
spiritual blessing (Eph. 1;3)
C-Conformed in the
likeness of Christ (Rom. 8:29)
D-Delivered from the
evil one (Matthew 6:13)
E-Equipped for works of
service (Eph. 4:11-13)
F-Forgiveness of sins
(1 John 1:9)
G-Grace upon grace from
his fullness (John 1:16)
H-Holiness in all I do
(1 Peter 1:16)
I-Integrity and
uprightness (Psalm 25:21)
J-Joy of the Lord,
complete in me (John 15:11)
K-Knowledge and depth
of insight (Phil. 1:19)
L-Love for God and
neighbor (Matthew 22:37-39)
M-Meditating on the
Word of God (Psalm 1:2)
N-New mind, new self
(Eph. 4:23-24)
O-Obedience to all that
Christ commands (Mat. 28:20)
P-Prayer in the Holy
Spirit (Eph. 6:18)
Q-Quietness and trust
as your strength (Is. 30:15)
R-Righteousness and joy
in the Spirit (Rom. 14:17)
S-Strong in the Lord
and His mighty power (Eph. 6:10)
T-Thinking God-honoring
thoughts (Phil. 4:8)
U-Useful to the Master
(2 Tim. 2:21)
V-Virtues covered with
love (Col. 3:14)
W-Worship in Spirit and
Truth (John 4:24)
X-X-rayed by the Holy
Spirit (Psalm 139:23-24)
Y-Yearning for God
(Psalm 84:2; Isaiah 26:9)
Z-Zeal in the service
of the Lord (Romans 12:11)
Even if you pray one per week, it’s
worth going through this list twice this year.
Go ahead…give the enemy a reason to tremble today.
- On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your prayer life?
- What area in your life today are you willing to take to God in prayer?
Copyright 2014- Terry
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