When Life Runs You Over
“And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to
his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the
likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”Romans 8:28,29 (NIV)
Face it. Life is filled with bad
hair days. Even bad hair months, and yes… bad hair years. Bad hair lives. But there is a truth in the Bible for God's
children that we need to
remember…God is working all the time!
The Greek word for the words "work together" is the word that
gives us the English word "synergy." Synergy is what
happens when the individual parts of
something come together into a whole, thereby having a greater and a
better effect than each individual part could have on its own. Someone said,
“Think about it this way: Every moment
of every day is one individual piece of the puzzle of God's plan for your life. Some days we like better than others. Some
days we like less than others. God can
reach into a bag of circumstances on any given day, with his eyes shut, pull
out any piece and make it fit perfectly in the puzzle of his plan for you.
Years ago, a man that was walking along a mountain
road, and he saw an Indian lying in the middle of the road with his ear pressed
to the ground. As he got close to the Indian, he heard this Indian talking in
broken English. He leaned over to hear what
he was saying, and the Indian was mumbling these words: "Truck, Chevy
truck, Chevy pick-up truck, large tires, man driving, German Shepherd in front
seat, loaded with firewood, California license plate, UBH123." Well, to
say the least, this man was astounded. He looked at that Indian and said,
"That is unbelievable. You mean you can tell all of that just by listening
to the ground?” The Indian said,
"No, truck ran over me thirty minutes ago."
Life has a way of running us over.
Sometimes it has to do with marriages, jobs, people, physical pains, and
more. Yet, God’s purposes for you, we
are told in Romans, is "good." God's purpose for you is that the end
result of your entire life will be for the "good" of His Kingdom. It doesn’t mean that all things that happen
to us are good. As you well know, everything that happens to you is not good,
but everything that happens to you will ultimately work together for your good.
When it comes down to it, there are only two types of people in this
world; those who love God and those who don't. Not everyone who says they love God
truly loves God. In other words, people who truly love God don't just say it,
they show it.
Express your love to Him. Hand
over your experiences to Him. See if He can’t make the good and bad pieces fit
His master puzzle for your life.
Pastor Terry
Describe the biggest challenge you’ve ever faced.
How did God help you to walk through that time?
Copyright 2014- Terry
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