He’ll Heal
“He took the punishment,
and that made us whole. Through his bruises we get healed.” Isaiah 53:9
Life has a
way of bringing all kinds of scars. Most of us have experienced a
physical wound or two in our lifetime. From scuffs to gashes, these
light and deep wounds are manifested in all realms of life. Many times, we even
have the stitches or marks to prove it.
Doctors can
attest to multiple types of battle wounds that come from many different sources
with definitions including:
1) Contusions
– An internal bruise caused by a blunt object.
2) Lacerations – A wound which results in a jagged or irregular
3) Penetrating Wound – A wound caused by a sharp or pointed object
3) Penetrating Wound – A wound caused by a sharp or pointed object
punctures or penetrates the skin.
4) Perforating Wound or Piercing – A wound caused by a sharp
4) Perforating Wound or Piercing – A wound caused by a sharp
making a hole through a body part.
5) Incision – A wound made by a cutting instrument.
Over time, we
may be exposed to a few or all of these, as well as minor or major versions of
them. Something you discover is that external wounds almost always heal
on their own. Given enough T.L.C., our bodies have been created by God
with the incredible capacity to heal up. Unless you reopen the wound, your body
is set up to heal.
Sometimes they exist
outwardly for others to see, while others lie internally hidden where others
may never suspect they are present.
In the epic
thriller “Jaws,” three men are out at sea searching for the man-eating
Great White Shark. During a lull in their search, they find themselves sharing
coffee and disclosing horror stories. Each one has scars and each one tries to
one-up the other. One of the characters has scars from the war. Another
has scars from a previous shark attack. The character played by Richard Dreyfus
rips open his shirt and points to his chest without speaking a word. Another
man asks, "What? Bypass surgery?" "No," answers Dreyfus, "Betty
Sue, 7th grade. She broke my heart.” All of us have scars. You can’t
live life without being hurt.
outward wounds, inward ones don’t heal naturally. In many cases, they remain as freshly painful
as the day they occurred. Sometimes our
hidden hurts occur from abuse, neglect or failure in life many times coming
from physical hurts, emotional pains, or even sexual violations. Other
forms include ridicule, criticism, or rejection. While they come in many
forms, they all bring a level of wounding that heals far more slowly than a
physical wound. Whether child, teenager, adult or seasoned senior, none
of us is exempt from the hurt, nor more inclined in the healing.
Isaiah 53 shares that He
took on outward hurts so we could find inner healing.
It’s the ABC’s
of Healing:
His abrasions, bruises, contusions brought
our acceptance, breakthroughs
and cure.
The only
thing left to do is place yourself in the hands of the “Great Physician.” He’ll heal you. In fact, it’s His specialty.
Terry Risser
1) Name an inner heart that still stings though
maybe long since past
2) What can you do today to take it to Him
Consider reading the word today:
2014- Terry Risser
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