Hope and a Future
know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘not for harm but for good,
plans to give you a hope and a future.’” For that place, God brought about a
work that Israel never dreamt would happen again.(?)’”
Jeremiah 29:11
Just around the
We often
use that “pie in the sky” term as talk
to keep people going when there’s few drops left in the bucket. In other cases, it creates a dogged
determination that never says die. Essentially, it’s all about the sense that
there’s something better out ahead worth pursuing. It a word…hope.
One author
said, “Hope is as important to us as water is to a fish, as vital as
electricity to a light bulb, as essential as air to a jumbo jet. Hope is that basic to life.”
For Howard Carter, nothing but hope could
have kept him going. After six years of searching, tons of transported debris,
days and nights of digging, and countless others who had failed in their
attempt, he had come up short. Twice during
his years of searching, the original “Tomb Raider” found that he had come
within two yards of the stone leading to the burial chamber. Until one day many years ago, this
archaeologist poked his head into a timeless crypt and discovered the priceless
tomb and treasure of King Tutankhamen. More than 3000 objects that could only be
described as magnificent, exquisite, elegant and more.
While Dr.
Clark persisted in his pursuit, we often find ourselves questioning life or
settling into a comfort zone ultimately relegating ourselves to a less than
best existence. As someone said, “We
find our rearview mirror far bigger than our front windshield.” We think our best days lie behind us when the
opposite if true.
I have
discovered that some of the best things I’m ever going experience are ahead
including new friends, enhanced memories with family, new adventures, growth
with God, triumphs through trials, and more.
Few would
disagree that God thinks in the same way.
While He encourages us to remember what He has done in the past, His
directional signpost always points to the future. In the book of Jeremiah, the weeping prophet
speaks God’s words to the nation that he felt like most of it’s best days were
behind them.
Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us, “I know the plans I have for
you,’ declares the Lord, ‘not for harm but for good, plans to give you a hope
and a future.’” For that
place, God brought about a work that Israel never dreamt would happen again
Whether you
are digging through the debris of a divorce, a lost dream, a broken heart or a season
of discouragement, God offers hope based on His redeeming work. Now that’s
something to look forward to.
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