Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12 - Fishing Tips From The Master

Fishing Tips From The Master

Life is risky.  Most of us have discovered that no matter what area of life you attempt to get ahead in, you are going to have to take a few risks;  whether it is taking someone special out, putting money in stocks, buying a house, or flying in an airplane.  As someone said, “Nothing ventured…nothing gained.”

Perhaps the biggest risk in our purposes with Christ is reaching the lost.  While it takes effort to worship, belong to a church, grow in Christ and serving others, evangelism is where the rubber meets the road.

Years ago, I served on staff in Beaverton, Oregon, where Senator Mark Hatfield attended.  A very unpretentious person, often I would see the Senator in church worshipping right next to everyone else…believing and belonging.

One time, he shared how apart from the day he came to know Christ, the greatest day in his life was when he made Jesus LORD of his life.  That day he asked the Lord to give him the freedom to speak His name as freely as he would speak the name of his own wife, his children, or his very best friend.  Shortly thereafter, it became natural for him to talk about his best friend, Jesus, as much as it was the closest people in his life.  That was the day that he really learned to fish.

If you’ve gone fishing, you’ll recognize that there are several principles from the “Master Fisherman,” Jesus Himself, that can transform how we reach a lost world.  Here are several keys I picked up some time back from a friend.
1)     Courageously risk sharing the bait.  No one likes rejection.  It’s painful. But you’ll never catch a fish until you throw the bait into the water.  You need to be forthright in telling people about Jesus Christ.
2)    Discern the right moment to cast the line.  There are times of greater opportunity to reach someone for Christ.  Let the Holy Spirit prepare the way for you.  Obey the promptings the Spirit gives.
3)      Select the right bait for the fish.  We forget that Jesus didn’t tell everyone that was an unbeliever, “You must be born again.”  In fact, the gospels indicate there was only one man to whom He ever said that.  To a rich young ruler, Jesus said, “Go sell everything you have and give it to the poor.”  (Mark 10:21)  To a farmer, He talked about tearing down his barns and building greater ones.  To another farmer, He talked about a sower who went out and sowed seeds.  Jesus used many different motifs to share the gospel.  With some creativity, we can share Christ with a great variety of people to whom the Lord opens the door.  We need to fit the bait to the fish.
4)    Wait patiently for the fish to take the bait.
5)    Persevere, never getting discouraged.  If it takes your lifetime or the lifetime of someone you are trying to bring to Christ, remember that the alternative is much worse.  Without Christ, a person will be lost eternally without hope of redemption.  So don’t give up until all opportunity is past.  And in the midst of it all, remember to…
6)    Keep yourself out of sight.  Don’t ask people to become like you.  Ask them to become like Jesus.  Keeping Him in the forefront, share your love with those who need to know the Lord.

Terry Risser

Consider reading the Word today:,%201%20th%201&version=NKJV

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