Friday, May 9, 2014

May 9 - Israel is Real

Israel Is Real

“This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true.” John 21:24 (KJV)

Connor O’Flannery once said, “Truth does not change based on our ability to stomach it.”  In a culture of relativism, where your truth, their truth and my truth are “just as important as another’s truth,”  those words are never more important.  However, faith has a reality side that cannot be denied.

The Apostle James wrote in his book, “Faith without works is dead.”  However, we could just as easily parallel that truth with the statement “Faith without facts is ‘deader’” In other words, your faith is only as strong as the object of your faith and the object of your faith must exhibit a mountain of evidence in order to pass the “sniff” test of truth.

This week, I returned from a brief stay in the Holy Land in Israel.  Though only the size of the state of Rhode Island, this small place on the planet (on the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea) holds facts unlimited and yet untold to the validity of the Christian’s faith on which you can base your faith. 

Translation, they are either factual or unfactual and either acceptable or objectionable. God has easily made your beliefs both an “over” and “under” reality…over-whelming and under-standable.  Overwhelming in that thousands and thousands of archaeological facts (over 25,000), historical people (2,500 names of the people), and revealed places (over 1,250 cities) are being discovered as valid.  Understandable in that even a child can ascertain its truths. As well, the God of the Old Testament and New Testament famously intertwines His revelation unequivocally with histories most noted empires including the Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Roman reigns.  No college professor would doubt these records, making God’s work in them undeniable. 

The reality of Israel gives a preponderance of evidence that confirms that your faith is substantive and reliable.  Let me give you 10 of my favorite places, that still stand today, that testify to what God did and still does:

  1. Sea of Galilee (Where Jesus calmed the Sea, walked on water, and called His disciples.)
  2. Nazareth (Where Mary and Joseph departed to Bethlehem after the announcement from the angel Gabriel of Jesus imminent birth.)
  3. Jordan River (Where Jesus was baptized and earlier the Israelites passed under Joshua’s leadership.)
  4. Jericho (The fallen city that the Israelites marched around to bring the famous victory.)
  5. Caesarea  (Location of Paul’s departure one of his many missionary  journeys.)
  6. Joppa  (The sight of Peter’s fulfilled vision in Acts 10 and Jonah’s infamous exit before being swallowed by the big fish.)
  7. Bethlehem (While far larger today, it maintains the Church of the Nativity,built just 300 years after Christ’s birth at the believed location of Christ’s birth.)
  8. Valley of Elah (The most famous Old Testament story of the battle of David and Goliath still reveals the brooks where the five stones were removed.)
  9. Via Dolorosa and Church of the Holy Sepulcher (Both where Jesus carried His cross and the approximate area of His crucifixion.)
  10. Garden Tomb (The Resurrection Tomb reveals the importance of the foundation of the Christian faith in that He is risen indeed.)

Now, these are only a handful of thousands of places and cities that have been revealed. Hugh Ross, renowned astrophysicist and head of the Christian Research Institute, references what he calls the “Vulnerability Factor” in matters of beliefs.  He reasons that most faiths are carefully constructed and have concealed ideas which give limited amounts of historical proof for “fact checking.” 

These faiths tend to take the 5th amendment.  As The Miranda Rights appropriately state, “You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can or will be held against you in a court of law.”  While we can admire people of faiths of all kinds, each faith’s believability should be able to marshal an abundance of evidence that pinpoints its validity causing greater credibility or collapsibility of its merit.

In contrast, Christianity simply can’t keep quiet.  In essence, “It keeps talking and talking and talking.” Like a star witness in a jury trial, fact after fact gives a person the ability to “cross-examine” the places, people, and events that either validate themselves or incriminate themselves based on God’s message and plan for each person.   In Christianity, you have just that. It puts itself so far out there on a limb, that it either laps the field multiplied times or must limp weakly away as pathetically false.

It’s hard to grasp the human mind’s penchant to deny what is so clear. “Israel is real” and “His story is history.” Mountains of historical, rational, and evidential truths espouse it. However, it leads us to realize the problem is much more a problem of the human heart.  The Bible calls it “pride.”  What else would cause us to defy such an apparent faith?  In a clash of wills, either we will go God’s way and win or go our way and lose.

While we started with James, we end with John.  At the conclusion of John 21:24, in the second to the last verse of the gospels, he writes, “This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true.” With so many reasons, now that’s something I really can stomach and stake my life on it.  And if Jesus could stake His life on it, we can too!

Terry Risser

1)   What causes your greatest doubt in your faith?
2)   How can we trust Him more today?

Consider reading the Word today:,%20ps%2071,%20mt%2026&version=NKJV

Copyright 2014-  Terry Risser

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