Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13 - Praying For The Middle East

Praying For The Middle East

“Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.  (Psalm 2:8)

Recently, I heard a historian share that the events we are seeing in 2014 in  Iraq will be discussed a thousand years from now as events that changed the world (should the Lord tarry).  It doesn’t surprise me.  Not since Hitler’s Nazi regime attempted to genocide an entire race have we seen the type of approach that the Muslim Isis group is committing against believers and other groups.  It is simply appalling.  Many tend to easily fall into a mentality of indifference because it does not affect them one way or another.  However, we need to be active in our stance, our support, our solicitation of government intervention, and most importantly, supplication to God. 

In times like these, it is often difficult to muster a heart to pray for some people groups when evil is running rampant in their hearts.  However, as the mighty prayer warrior E.M. Bounds has wisely written:  “Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still.  He who has not learned well how to talk to God for men, will never talk well and with real success to men for God.”

I encourage you to pray particularly for this part of the world this week:

uPray for Unreached Peoples - Iraq in the “Cradle of Civilization” which was the original place of the Garden of Eden and many of the earliest stories of the Bible.  It’s hard to imagine that the place that God first set Adam and Eve on the planet for a perfect relationship has seen mankind wander so far away from Him.  Within this area, hundreds of people groups need to hear the gospel.  Ask God to open doors of evangelism.

uPray for Relief of Human Suffering - This area of the world has seen some of the most adverse human conditions including tensions dating back to the time of Isaac and Ishmael (Abraham’s Sons) which ultimately has led to the millennia’s-old conflicts in the Middle East. The fight for control against God’s chosen people continues to rage as battles in Israel and the opposition of the Arabic people rises.  We need to pray for God’s protecting hand over Israel.

uPray for Protection of Leaders and Believers - One of the greatest ministry needs within these areas is training and development, yet great risk is involved.  Without the growth of leaders, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the long-term health of churches is jeopardized.  Pray for missionaries and strategies that effectively respond to this need (Matthew 9:35-38).  While helicopters and planes may require complete removal from the area, we need to ask God’s hand upon all those who are currently hurting in this oppressed section of the world.

Let’s also remember to praise the Lord for the mighty things He has already done.

uMany Churches - There are many underground churches where believers worship at the threat of personal injury.  Pray for God’s hand upon these Christians.

uMaturing Churches - Pray for the spiritual growth of all who faithfully serve in these areas.  God uses the most difficult circumstances to bring His work.

uMultiplying Churches - In the midst of adversity, let’s ask God to move in the expansion of the gospel.   Where darkness exists, the light shines even brighter.  God has revealed Himself in the most treacherous seasons of history including Pharaoh’s aversion to the Israelites and Herod’s rampage of holocaust.

David wrote, “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.  (Psalm 2:8) While we need to appeal to the government, we also need to appeal to God for His touch on the nations that the gospel will go forth.  While the heathens rage around us, the Lion roars from heaven, as He will bring redemption to all those who call on His name.

Terry Risser

1)    How does the recent Isis crisis cause you to feel?
2)    What is God calling you to do in the midst of this situation?

Consider reading the Word today:

Copyright 2014- Terry Risser

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