Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 9 - Giving Love To The Undeserving

Giving Love To The Undeserving

“You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever.” Psalm 45:2

God’s grace is most real when we extend it to others…ain’t it the truth.  One of the challenges that we experience is that we are quick to want and receive grace, but slow to give it to others. Often we find that in the giving of grace God is able to help us to see in a deeper way, what He has done for us.  It is easy for people that we can easily tolerate, but often more difficult with those who grate on us.

A woman testified to the transformation in her life that had resulted through her experience in conversion. She declared, "I’m so glad I received the Lord in my life. I have an uncle I used to hate so much I vowed I’d never go to his funeral. But now, why, I’d be happy to go to it any time."  I’m not sure if that was a compliment or not, but something had made a change in her life and it all began with the love of Christ changing her heart.

C.S. Lewis quoted Augustine, who said, "God gives where He  finds empty hands."  Then Lewis noted that a man whose hands are full of parcels can’t receive a gift. Then Yancey wrote: "Grace must be received. Lewis explains that what I have termed grace abuse stems from a confusion of condoning and forgiving. To condone an evil is simply to ignore it, to treat it as if it were good. But forgiveness needs to be accepted, as well as offered, if it is to be complete…and a man who admits no guilt can accept no                                forgiveness." Ultimately, it is when we truly receive God’s grace that it changes our lives.  We have to have empty hands to receive God’s grace. 

Rabbi Michael Weisser lived in Lincoln, Nebraska and  for more than 3 years, Larry Trapp, a self-proclaimed Nazi & Ku Klux Klansman, directed a torrent of hate-filled mailings & phone calls toward him. Trapp promoted white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and other messages of prejudice, declaring his apartment the KKK state headquarters and himself the grand dragon. His whole purpose in life seemed to be to spew out hate-ridden racial slurs & obscene remarks against Weisser and all those like him.  At first, the Weisser’s were so afraid they locked their doors and worried themselves almost sick over the safety of their family.

But one day Rabbi Weisser found out that Trapp was a 42-year-old clinically blind, double amputee. And he became convinced that Trapp’s own physical helplessness was a source of the bitterness he expressed.  So Rabbi Weisser decided to do the unexpected. He left a message on Trapp’s answering machine, telling him of another side of life…a life free of hatred & racism. Rabbi Weisser said, "I probably called 10 times & left messages before he finally picked up the phone & asked me why I was harassing him. I said that I’d like to help him. I offered him a ride to the grocery store or to the mall." Trapp was stunned. Disarmed by the kindness & courtesy, he started thinking. He later admitted, through tears, that he heard in the Rabbi’s voice, "something I hadn’t experienced in years. It was love."  Slowly the bitter man began to soften.

One night he called the Weisser’s and said he wanted out, but didn’t know how.  They grabbed a bucket of fried chicken and took him dinner.  Before long they made a trade: in return for their love he gave them his swastika rings, hate tracts, & Klan robes. That same day Trapp gave up his Ku Klux Klan recruiting job and dumped the rest of his propaganda in the trash. "They showed me so much love that I couldn’t help but love them back," he finally confessed. If that could happen in Lincoln, Nebraska, what could happen anywhere in our communities, in our neighborhoods, if we truly began to live lives that showed the love of Jesus to those around us? The true sign of healing comes when we reach out with an undeserving love because we have been given an undeserved love. 

David wrote in Psalm 45,  “You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever.” (Psalm 45:2)  Have you forgotten about God’s blessings in your life recently?  His forgiveness…His grace… He unconditional love given to you?  And have you forgotten that He wants to extend those blessings through you?  His care…His touch…His mercy for those who are undeserving?  You never know when He might transformation another life that seems far from reachable.  Just ask Rabbi Weisser.

Terry Risser

1)   Has  there been a person in the past few years that you felt you could not love?
2)   Ask God to give you a heart of prayer for them and see if He might work a miracle through your life, for their salvation.

Consider reading the Word today:

Copyright 2014- Terry Risser

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